Day one of the Daniel’s fast. To complete any fast, you must have focus. I’m focusing on maintaining a positive attitude at (almost) all times. What are you focusing on? Please share. Keep the faith. Breakfast today I had a banana and cashews. I’m so proud! Lol
Resisting Temptation
Last year my pastor presented the idea of starting off the year with a spiritual experience, the Daniel’s Fast. I was a little weary at first but I set out to do the fast and it was what my soul needed. The relationship I built with God set me on a right path for the…
Getting fit: My three-year journey.
Everywhere we go we hear about weight loss this and weight loss that but how many people actually think “oh I’m fat and I NEED to be smaller?!” uhhhhh I don’t know about you, but I know I didn’t. I felt like I was thick, I looked good, my butt was big, thighs tight, and…