By now we all know Yoga has been proven to have mental health benefits. More specifically, according to Psychology Today, Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain, and inflammation, sharpens attention and concentration, and calms and centers the nervous system. I dabbled in it pre-baby but once motherhood began there was no…
Good Heart: Blessing and Curse
This quote spoke volumes to me. I’m that person who suck it up and says “I’m sorry” EVEN if I did nothing wrong. My heart has been a blessing and a curse. I always seem to care a little bit too much about other people(I’ve told you all this before, lol). When I don’t see…
Don’t Be a Fool; Be Open to Advice.
This verse spoke volumes to me because I’m very stubborn at times and no matter what anyone says to me that’s just how I’m going to feel. Now, I’ve come a long way in opening up to other people’s advice. It’s not easy but literally Even though I may have know this person was telling…
Their part in your story is over
Doing some cleaning up before bed and thought of this picture I saw online, so I decided to write down my thoughts. I’m going to pay for this tomorrow because its 2:30am and I have to be to work at 9am :-/ but whatever. Oh and I hope there aren’t any major typos, I’m super…
“Birds of a Feather Flock Together
“Birds of a Feather Flock Together” How many times have you heard this growing up from your parents, grandparents, teachers, etc? And how many times did you tell them they were wrong because you weren’t like those particular friends?! Well, after years of experience I’ve come to learn that there is truth in this statement….