“Birds of a Feather Flock Together”
How many times have you heard this growing up from your parents, grandparents, teachers, etc? And how many times did you tell them they were wrong because you weren’t like those particular friends?!
Well, after years of experience I’ve come to learn that there is truth in this statement. In fact, when around people who you don’t have anything in common with you feel awkward and odd. Now, this is not to say this is ALWAYS the case, but many times it is.
Surround yourself with people that are like you
For example, my friends and I are ambitious, Christians, uplifting, sassy, cute, and in our own way funny. We get each other. In this world of craziness we support, motivate, and hold each other down when needed. Everyone deserves friends like them. ((Don’t get it twisted, we fall out of course but like family we get over it.))
Please note that you can’t have high standards for them and none for yourself. You cant expect them to be optimistic and you’re being a pessimistic. If you don’t want them to gossip to you or about you then don’t gossip with them. If you don’t want them to call you with negativity don’t call them with negativity. If you don’t want them brining drama to you don’t take drama to them.
Getting rid of negativity
Don’t play crazy! We all have that person who brings us down EVERY time they talk to us with all 50 of their problems, the gossip, the negativity, etc., so by the time you finish talking to them you feel just as stressed as them if not more. It’s stuff like that that you should stray away from. Life is too short and precious to be stressing about foolishness and other people’s mess.
It may kill you and it may hurt you but I promise to you it’s not worth the hassle. We’ve all been down that road where one of our favorite people turns out to be someone else. When you notice that and it’s just who they are, believe it, pray for them, accept it, and remove yourself from that situation.
If you can’t, don’t worry, God will do it for you!
Moral of the story
Be positive and surround yourself with positive people, for “Birds of a Feather Flock Together”
Be blessed!
Peace. Love. Ash.
Shyne says
i <3 it .. this is so true , I sometimes get stressed out trying to be someones listening ear, listening to problem after problem, it can really tear ypu down as a person…. So i just pray ank God to give them direction and guide them to a better place in life.
WholisticallyMe says
Sometimes that’s all we can do love <3