After the Daniels fast I bought so much meatless food because I just knew I wasn’t going to go back to eating meat till time. PSSSSSSSH!!!!! A BIG JOKE!!!! Ha ha ha
Anyway, the other night I wanted nasty unhealthy fried tater tots from Sonic(near my job, in Homestead), but surprisingly I had the strength to keep driving by. ((Now that’s what I call a small victory))
So, I get home and look in the freezer TAA-DAA there are tots and corn dogs there. Well I oven fried both and it wasn’t half bad. The corn dogs were meat-less and composed of veggies and were very similar to the real deal.
I got the healthier version of some very bad foods and I enjoyed it. It wasn’t An “A” but I would give it a “B” only because NOTHING tastes like fried foods, lol.
Message: Sometimes you have to try something new to decide if you like it or not before you frown and say ewwww. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it again. If you do, great!!!!
I am all about making healthy variations of unhealthy food. Or even by cooking unhealthy food at home, its still one step up from going to a drive thru.
Lol at one step up from drive through but it’s so true!