By now we all know Yoga has been proven to have mental health benefits. More specifically, according to Psychology Today, Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain, and inflammation, sharpens attention and concentration, and calms and centers the nervous system. I dabbled in it pre-baby but once motherhood began there was no…
“What If”
As my birthday quickly approaches I realize more so now than ever that I do NOT want a life full of regrets. When following your dreams it’s easy to get caught up in what will be that you forget to enjoy what is. This has caused me to analyze my experiences, accomplishments, happiness, growth, relationships…
Things Happen… Now what?!
In life, things happen. Period. Lol just kidding. Things can and will happen. Some we may influence and some we may not. Some we can control and some we can not. However, What we can control is what we do after a situation. No matter who is right, wrong, innocent, or guilt, we can continue…
Words From My Heart
Pinterest came to my rescue once again. At times we get caught up in what this person thinks or what that person thinks when all that matters is that GOD KNOWS YOU!!!!! I’m not perfect. I’m simply trying to be what God wants me to be. He knows that’s, I’m ok with just that.
Good Heart: Blessing and Curse
This quote spoke volumes to me. I’m that person who suck it up and says “I’m sorry” EVEN if I did nothing wrong. My heart has been a blessing and a curse. I always seem to care a little bit too much about other people(I’ve told you all this before, lol). When I don’t see…