By now we all know Yoga has been proven to have mental health benefits. More specifically, according to Psychology Today, Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain, and inflammation, sharpens attention and concentration, and calms and centers the nervous system. I dabbled in it pre-baby but once motherhood began there was no…
Don’t Be a Fool; Be Open to Advice.
This verse spoke volumes to me because I’m very stubborn at times and no matter what anyone says to me that’s just how I’m going to feel. Now, I’ve come a long way in opening up to other people’s advice. It’s not easy but literally Even though I may have know this person was telling…
What is a Dream Killer? My mom has this coined this term for all the people who tell others “you can’t” and/or “you will not”. Some people simply do not have the best interest for you in their heart. Be careful of people who down your hopes and dreams. Limit the time you spend with…
Connecting The Dots
Have you ever heard a message and later on you tie it to another message?! Well the past few weeks that keep happening to me. One that stood out the most is my pastors sermon “The Best is Yet to Come” and a picture I saw on both Facebook AND Instagram. (They say good things…