After watching War Room, many viewers (myself included) left the theater feeling inspired to improve their prayer lives. Unfortunately, the ideas shown seemed very time consuming and at some points unrealistic. One of the ways presented to improve your prayers was to write them down. It’s been months since I saw the movie and haven’t started yet but I found a solution!!!!! Aren’t you excited?! π
I’m sure many you use the bathroom a million times and don’t hop right up as soon as you finish. If you’re anything like me, you take your time, scroll on your phone, text your friends, etc. π lol. Sooooooo I bean to talk to God via paper and pen instead of doing all the stuff I just mentioned. It’s super easy and a great way to begin and/or end my day (I usually write first thing in the morning or last thing at night). It’s very refreshing and less expensive than using all the data on your phone when your house’s wifi is acting up π.
Anyway to help encourage journaling, I leave my journal and a writing utensil on my sink vanity.
Your journal doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, you just need some paper and a pen. You can turn it into a booklet yourself. I literally found mine one day while posting flyers for a missing child at CitiTrends for $2.00!!! What a steal !!!
My favorite part of the journal is the bible verses at the bottom of each page. How appropriate π π
Consider taking your prayers to the next level by writing them down and staying on track with God. Hope this helps….Happy Journaling!
Peace. Love. Blessings.
Ash π
Char says
I have to try this…