The older children get, the more difficult it can be to stay connected with them. I’ve shared with you all that Maddi and I have reserved two days a week for us to have intentional and uninterrupted time with one another. I’ve noticed that when we do that, we both experience joy and replenish our love tanks.
When writing out vision statements for the year, Madison said, “I want to learn how to make eggs and a grilled cheese by myself!” I almost immediately began to google ways to help her meet and exceed these cooking goals. The girl loves to cook! I would try to teach her various things to cook and noticed how limited my cooking was (yikes!!), I’m more of a baker ya know!

Anyway, I came across Raddish Kids and immediately subscribed for 6 months. Two weeks ago, we created our first meal and it was simply amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so focused.
She diligently worked through the list at the store and did her own shopping. I even let her pay for the groceries and she kept the change, lol. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree after all.

We prepared a full meal from scratch! Together, we spent quality time cooking an authentic Italian dish.
It was pretty thrilling to see how we communicated with each other while cooking and it was indeed a challenge!!!! I wanted to take over but I kept reminding myself, “This is the Madison show, you’re just support staff” lol lol.

She took so much pride in creating her menu and plating her food. At one point during the evening, she yelled, “I was born for this!” It melted my heart!

If you’re looking for a new way to bond with your little ones while they learn new skills like communication, reading, following directions, learning to measure liquids, and even writing, I highly encourage you to up sign for Raddish.

Each box contains recipe cards for 3 dishes (appetizer, main course, and dessert), a shopping list, a cooking tool, table topic cards, and a patch to add to your apron. The best part is Raddish includes ways to scale up each month’s meal based on the child’s abilities. Raddish is absolutely amazing. The best gift a family could have. The memories are priceless. Sign up today and save on your first subscription. No code needed, just click here.

Happy cooking and memory-making! Share your pictures with us so we can bask in your joy!

Awesome job Ashley keep up the good work Maddie you are amazing 😘
Thank you so much Michelle! I really appreciate it.
Just seeing this I Love it 😻. She’s such amazing and gifted child. My niece is brilliant. This is a wonderful idea 😍. Good job