January 3rd, I started the 21-day Daniel Fast with my church as a religious sacrifice. My pastor said the best way to strengthen your relationship with God is to FAST and PRAY, so that’s what I did. It was not easy, nor was I 100% successful but I GREW. I grew closer to God, learned to not fall for temptation and stronger in my sense of self( Each of which are aligned with my holistic living Goals).
Anyhow, the fast consisted of:
-Only Water
-Whole Grains
This means I had to give up all of my everyday foods such as:
-Junk food
-Fried Foods
-Dairy products
-Meat (All kinds)
I learned to be more flexible in order to still get what I wanted or needed. For example, I substituted homogenized mil for soy and almond milk. I ate oatmeal, grits, or fruit and nuts for breakfast. Lunch typically a salad or veggies and brown rice. I even ate protein meats as a source of nutrients.
Overall, I am very happy and satisfied with the results and I will do it again in the future. My last Day for the fast was last week Tuesday. Soooo what now? I’ve decided to keep most aspects of the fast by eating more veggies, fruit, and whole grains. I will add meat to my diet but I’m limiting my pork and beef intake.
The one thing I did not implement during the fast was exercise. =(
So guess what???? Tomorrow I’m hitting the TREADMILL!!!
Peace. Love. Happiness.
-Ash <3
Alteasha Ervin says
Yep… I can not lie the Daniel’s Fast was not easy but it was also not as hard as I thought it was. I am happy you convinced you me to so the fast with you. I feel much lighter, happier and healthier. When I sleep, I wake up well rested and on average require less sleep. I have been on the Daniel’s Fast for a month now and have lost 20 lbs. I am also reading Eat to Live which helps me stay focus… I am proud of you! We are making steps to living a holistic life..
Question: How do you holistically deal with somebody when you wanna knock them out?!?!!!!